
Add a bottom sheet for the AnimeDetail page, where the episodes can be shown

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Currently, the design for anime Detail page is not feasible. Bigger animes have more than 500 episodes. Scrolling the episodes right now is not good at all. We need a new solution. One solution i thought of was to add a bottom sheet with the recycler view of episodes. Something like the comment sheet of github app. The user must be able to pull the bottom sheet from bottom, and the list of episodes should be shown there. The list of episodes should be in a grid layout with a span of 3 columns. The issue would be open for discussion. Please discuss the changes so that right architecture can be maintained, before you are too involved in the fix.



how's this issue coming along? yes right now it is difficult to scroll through multiple episodes. we can reduce the size of card view. We can also do what you suggested about adding bottom sheet.