
Cannot use period as an identifier

Zambito1 opened this issue · 0 comments

Given the following two programs:

(import (scheme base)
	(scheme write))

(define |.| 'hello)

(display |.|)
(import (scheme base)
	(scheme write))
;; hex code for .
(define |\x2e;| 'hello)

(display |\x2e;|)

Both programs should compile and print hello. Currently, neither program will compile with the following error:

Error: Unbound variable(s):
(. hello)

It seems like the identifier is not terminating until the closing parenthesis. Here is another example that may be helpful:

(import (scheme base)
	(scheme write))

(define |.| 5)

(display |.|)
Error: length - invalid parameter, expected list: