1. Create sample with pywinauto


  1. Install uv
    powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -c "irm | iex"
  2. Install Visual Studio Code with "Desktop development with C++" component
  3. In Windows > System > For developers, enable developer mode.
  4. In VS Code, install Flutter extension. Put the Flutter SDK in C:\dev or something
  5. Install Tesseract OCR for Windows (download)
  6. uv venv then source .venv/Scripts/activate
  7. uv pip install -r requirements.txt

Visual Studio Code

Ctrl + Shift + P and select Ptyhon: Select Interpreter so that Visual Studio can see packages.

Setting up

uv venv

Working with uv

# Activate the environment
source .venv/Scripts/activate

# Install something
uv pip install flet
uv pip install pytesseract

# Run a flet application
flet run ./revit-assist/

# Building a flet windows application
cd src
flet build windows -o ../build --module-name counter