
Tutorial is not working

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi There,

Thanks for sharing this tutorial but it doesn't work.
I tried linking the files to the correct source as well from my local system, but yet doesn't work.

I am trying to do multiple tweens on scroll and complete want to pin it and start tweens again.
I love the plugin but can't get my head around this. could u please help me?

Thanks in advance

Hi Joystan !

Sorry you're having issues with the tutorial I wrote, it's a bit old, it was written for v1 and isn't exactly up to date anymore.

I'd started writing a tutorial for the v2 but didn't finish it, hopefully it can still help you get started with it : https://github.com/janpaepke/ScrollMagic/wiki/Get-Started-Setup

Overall not so much has changed, it's mostly just gotten more consistent, so I'm sure you'll find your way around it, otherwise the repo's issues should help you.

Happy scrolling :D