feature request + hotfix
Closed this issue · 2 comments
Hi @justinnobledev, i hope you can make this changes.
[ERROR] Line 421: var convar = ConVar.Find("mp_match_restart_dela");
[FIXED] Line 421: var convar = ConVar.Find("mp_match_restart_delay");
Feature request:
Could you please add, category voting?
How it works?:
- When RTV Starts it shows "extend", "don't change" and "categories". (ex. JB / DR / MG / HNS)
- Player must use !<category_name> to select what category he wants. (ex. !jb), but must be just once per player.
- Immediately after category selection, rtv plugin displays maps detailed by server manager.
- Example of chat display.
[!1] {mapname} or "{mapname alias explained in categories txt}"
[!2] {mapname} or "{mapname alias explained in categories txt}"
[!3] {mapname} or "{mapname alias explained in categories txt}"
- If we got a draw, rtv makes another votation only considering 2 maps with most votes.
- Then after successful mapvoting, map changes.
- Example of categories txt.
( // -> just explain how it works, shouldn't be in og file )
"maps_invote" "10" // max. maps displayed
"default_min_players" "0" // requiered min. players to display this category
"default_max_players" "64" // max. players to display this category
"mg_thc_lego_multimap_v5" {mg_lego} // <- { mapname alias; if empty keeps mapname displayed without changes }
"mg_yolo_multigames_v2_1" { } // <- ex. in this case is empty so mapname displayed will be mg_yolo_multigames_v2_1
"mg_lego_multigames_r1c1" { }
"mg_grands_multigames_v1_1" { }
"mg_deltasport_alpha_v1_4" { }
"maps_invote" "10"
"default_min_players" "4"
"default_max_players" "64"
"jb_garden_v1" { }
"jb_moti2_final" { }
"jb_summer_jail_v3_hdr" { }
"ba_jail_umbrella" { }
Tell me if i didn't explained something. ❤
I merged your PR, but I'm not sure if I'm wanting to undertake a UMC like map voting plugin. I feel like keeping a simple and easy to use map vote plugin is more important right now and in the future someone can either make a new one or create a fork of this to handle this situation.
I merged your PR
in the future someone can either make a new one or create a fork of this to handle this situation.
hope so :(