
Add interpolation videos

justinpinkney opened this issue · 3 comments

Generate some interpolation videos for the different models

this script might help (yet to test drive it)

seems like this is all that's needed.

python run_generator.py generate-latent-walk --network=/content/network-snapshot-010625.pkl --seeds=2,3,8,10,14,23,24,2 --frames 200 --truncation-psi=0.7

ffmpeg -r 24 -i ./results/generated-images/frame%05d.png -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p latent-walk-v2.mp4

UPDATE - not sure if there's anything else here that needs cherry picking

Thanks for pointing this out. I'm actually already generating interpolation videos (they are linked in the readme). I'm using what's looks like essentially exactly the same script: https://github.com/justinpinkney/stylegan2/blob/master/grid_vid.py

I have some plans to create an actual website for this content, at which point I'll be able to incorporate the videos in a bit of a more obvious way.