
Applying reverb to each source file

danibene opened this issue · 1 comments

When applying reverb, I get the following warning (as expected):

Reverb is on and save_isolated_events is True. Reverberation is applied to the mixture but not output source files. In this case the sum of the audio of the isolated events will not add up to the mixture

If possible, I would like to apply reverb while still having the sum of the audio of the isolated events add up to the mixture. I tried applying reverb to the individual source files separately, and then summing them up:

tfm = sox.Transformer()
tfm.reverb(reverberance=reverb_setting * 100)
data = tfm.build_array(input_filepath=os.path.join(directory,list_files[file]))
summed += data

I compared this to applying reverb to the entire mixture and saw that the resulting signal was not equivalent.

Would applying reverb to the individual sources and then summing lead to a less realistic soundscape?

Applying reverb individually and summing will not give the same result as applying reverb to the entire scene, that's expected.

We're planning to add support for proper room acoustics simulation in the future via e.g. pyroomacoustics, but we don't have a clear timeline for this as of now.

In terms of what might sound more realistic, @pseeth probably has some thoughts on that :)