
Multilanguage Landingpage

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I'm a bit stuck here with multilanguages, maybe there is some config option or I'm doing it wrong.


I have the following directory structure:


and my config looks like this

    "title": "My Knowledgebase",

    "languages": {
        "en": "English",
        "de": "Deutsch"

    "html": {
      "search": true,

If I generate the static files and browse to http://docs.mydomain.com I see the landing page like this


Is there any way to hide the navigation tree here. I would like to insert the links to the german and english version as http://docs.mydomain.com/de and http://docs.mydomain.com/en respectively in the landing page.

And that's the next problem, with my current directory structure, there is no landing page for each language generated so linking to http://docs.mydomain.com/de results in an error. I tried to add a simple _index.md to both of the languages, but then I see the following when I go to http://docs.mydomain.com/de


Here it would be nice just to see the content of my landing page and a naviagtion tree for the respective language

OK, I found a workaround for the second problem, just don't name the landing page for each language as index.md but for instance 00_start.md than I can link to de/start.md and en/start.md in the general landing page. Furthermore I configured my webserver to also accept start.html as default so I can now link directly to http://docs.mydomain.com/de and http://docs.mydomain.com/en

do you use the latest version from packagist with composer ?

It seems this should have been fixed a few weeks ago.

Thanks for your answer. Actually, at the time I filed this issue I was using the version which I got via the "Download" link from https://daux.io. I'm not sure how old this version was (as I later switched to a version cloned from github). I also found out, that if I use the {"auto_landing": "false"} setting, it works fine for me, just forgot to put a comment here. Sorry for that.

Maybe I'm just using it wrong, but as I'm not a php guy I never even heard of composer. this is what I did (I'm on linux mint):

apt-get install composer
git clone https://github.com/justionwalsh/daux.io
composer global require justinwalsh/daux.io

but I still get "daux: command is not available"

So I just tried to use './bin/daux --generate' and this seemed to work