
WSL - Symbols being replaced by unicode replacement character

Opened this issue · 6 comments


As seen in the screenshot, the dividing characters are being replaced. It occurs in both the visual studio terminal and the in-built linux terminal.

powerline-go latest
golang 1.13
ubuntu 20.04 running on windows subsystem for linux
TERM = xterm-256color

dswij commented

Did you use a powerline-font in any of the terminal?

Did you use a powerline-font in any of the terminal?

I did just install it via the link in the readme. I've rebooted and rerun the _update_ps1. This garners no effect

dswij commented

Have you changed your terminal settings so that it uses the installed font? This problem usually comes from the terminal not configured to use glyphs properly.

Have you changed your terminal settings so that it uses the installed font? This problem usually comes from the terminal not configured to use glyphs properly.

I'm not quite sure what you mean. Can you elaborate?
