
Force a line break

Hayao0819 opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug
For example, if the standard output does not have line breaks, as in the code below, PowerLine-Go will delete and overwrite this output.

bash -c "printf Hello"

PowerLine written in Python forces a line break with the% symbol.

Environment (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Arch Linuix
  • Architecture: Intel x86_64
  • Shell: Zsh 5.8
  • PowerLine
dswij commented

PowerLine written in Python forces a line break with the% symbol.

It is doing as you described when I tried


Maybe I misunderstood. If so, can you give an example output and the expected one?

Upon closer examination, this seems to be my zshrc issue, not the PowerLine-Go issue. I was able to solve it by editing my zshrc.