
Linux prompt always in gray on WSL2

chilcano opened this issue · 1 comments

I want to change the color of my linux prompt, but it is always in gray colors.
I'm using Fluent Terminal configured with XTERM and also I've installed and selected the PL fonts in Windows 10 host.
I'm able to change the colors scheme in Fluent Terminal, the background, foreground, selected text, etc. by only selecting any available Fluent color scheme, but color in the prompt always stays the same (in gray).

Same behaviour happens in Windows Poweshell.

Any idea how fix this issue is welcome.

Environment (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 10, WSL2 with Ubuntu 20.04
  • Shell: [e.g. zsh, bash, fish, powershell]

Additional context
I've installed poweline-go in WSL2-Ubuntu 20.04, not in Windows 10.
Also in Windows 10 I've installed the Fonts PL.

I've tried again and seems if you are in a windows mounted directory on WSL, the command prompt will be always in gray, but if you change to a internal linux directory you will be able to see a colored command prompt.
Below a screenshot using Windows Terminal.

  • /mnt/d/ -> It is a mounted dir
  • ~/repos/how-tos/ -> It is a native dir
