
Nice to have customizeable themes

boydkelly opened this issue · 3 comments

The current theme choices of gruvbox, and solarized are all brown/yellow -ish.
It would be really great to have a ./config/powerline-go/theme file to support user themes.

At the very least include some more popular options that offer some variety:
nord: calm green/bluish
tokyo night: very popular dark theme
night-fly: Another popular dark choice

Obiously there are tons of shell themes out there. Could powerline-go not just also read a theme definition from foot or alacrity or kitty terms?

You should be able to do that already: #251

Awesome! Maybe this information could be added to the "customization" section of the readme.md.

Also we need some more details on how this works. The example in #251 contains a mode called 'wsl', which is also a segement. And the valid 'modes' are indicated to be 'patched', 'compatible' or 'flat'. So what is a 'wsl' mode? In addition if I set the mode to 'flat',
in both the ps1.sh and config.json, then the prompt displays as 'patched' (with powerline separators). This happens if for example I just just the config.json in #251 , but change the wsl to flat. Shouldn't that just 'add' those parameters to the exisiting 'flat' mode?