
In v1.8.3, The command does not work on Intel Macs.

TakaakiAndo1 opened this issue · 2 comments

As the title says.

I installed v1.8.3 today with the following command, but when I run the command, nothing shows up.
I have already confirmed that v1.8.2 works.

$ curl -fsSL https://deno.land/x/dvm/install.sh | sh
... (omission) ...
Dvm was installed successfully to /Users/takaaki.ando/.dvm/bin/dvm
Run 'dvm --help' to get started.
$ dvm -V
$ dvm list
$ dvm install 1.23.3


fixed in #123. I will release v1.8.4 now

Thanks for the quick response!
Problem solved!