
Can't update in npm.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I just installed npm and started following the instructions at << http://voxeljs.com/#how >>. When I ran npm install I got this message:

npm WARN deprecated extend@1.1.3: Please update to the latest version.

npm update and npm update extend are giving me the same message consistently. I'm guessing this is a problem with some JSON configuration related to extend.

That's just a warning message that you, or one of the packages you're using, is including an old version of this package. Specifically, the hello world example: https://github.com/maxogden/voxel-hello-world/blob/master/package.json#L15

If you would like to see the warning removed, please file an issue or pull request here and update the dependency.

Aha, thanks and apologies.