
References to tbb-NOTFOUND.obj

Opened this issue · 7 comments

When I try to use TBB with my CMake project like this:

list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "<path to FindTBB module>")

find_package(TBB REQUIRED)

add_executable(myapp myapp.cc)
target_link_libraries(myapp tbb)

It in the end tries to link tbb-NOTFOUND.obj (which of course fails).

Thank you for the bug report. Can you also provide the arguments you used when you invoked cmake, OS, and compiler? So I can try to reproduce your error.

Am compiling with VS2015 on Windows 10.

In the .vcxproj I have the following entry:

  <AdditionalOptions> /machine:x64"%3B"/NODEFAULTLIB:msvcrt.lib"%3B"/NODEFAULTLIB:libcmt.lib"%3B"/NODEFAULTLIB:libcmtd.lib %(AdditionalOptions)</AdditionalOptions>

Not sure yet, where this comes from. Would guess find_package_handle_standard_args.

Switched add_library to static and seems to work for DEBUG and RELEASE at least. RELWITHDEBINFO cannot link tbb.lib, though.

Yes, the SO post looks like a likely source of the error.

I will look into the error this weekend.

Problem with RELWITHDEBINFO seems to be that there is no _DEBUG defined and then TBB in _tbb_windef.h and runtime_loader.h decides to implicitly link with tbb.lib.
Sadly only setting __TBB_LIB_NAME does not fix the behavior. You probably have to set __TBB_NO_IMPLICIT_LINKAGE to 1 to disable implicit linking completely.