
Auto include page content for page references in prompts

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Since in many contexts of using AI (in chat for sure) it's super useful to give the LLM more information for it to use, I think any page reference in a prompt should have that page's content automatically be added (appended) to the prompt.

I don't have a strong opinion on how this applies generally, but since I'm primarily a chat user so far what I'd hope for is something like this:

**user**: Does [[John]] deserve a raise?

Which would submit the following actual prompt:

**user**: Does [[John]] deserve a raise?

Base your answer on the content of the following referenced pages (referenced above using the [[page name]] format). In these listings ~~~ is used to mark the page's content start and end:

Content of the [[John]] page:

or something similar. Note that I'm using this "Content of X using delimiter" purposefully here, I've seen some OpenAI prompts that use this format and it seems to work.

I took a first pass at this and used almost the exact formatting in this issue and looks like this:


Now I'm wondering if this should be recursive? If [[John]] links to [[Susan]] inside its page, should we go ahead and include both pages? It'd be cool, but would definitely need a limit to how deep we can go.

I'd also like to extend this to support non-wikilink urls too. Gemini seems to download urls automatically, but gpt4/local models do not. Being able to say "Look at the docs on this url and summarize them" would be nice to have built-in

Nice! Recursion would conceptually be cool, but I'd indeed imagine that could quickly blow up even accidentally. Personally I'd just look at the directly linked pages.

I changed the prompt a little bit to try and encourage the llm to ask for a direct link if it's missing context. gpt4 seems to get it:


but gemini and mistral just get confused. I'll try to improve the prompt more later, but I think this is pretty good to start with

It's cool that it even asks for that and with page link syntax no less.

This is merged in for 0.0.8, let me know if you have any issues with it or ideas for improving it

This is so great. This is what I just did: create an empty page and ask "Tell me about [[page link to 1-1 page with a certain person]]" and it started to summarize their history, various things they've focused on. Feels like magic.