
There is nothing but vile people surrounding the Circcash 'community'

Closed this issue · 2 comments

This is not about the Circcash code, but it is more about the Circcash 'community'. It seems like the few people who do talk about Circcash are some of the most vile and hateful entities imaginable, and that none of the people in this 'community' know how to have a decent conversation with others. If you want others to respect cryptocurrencies, you will need to act respectable. Please act respectable.

Now it appears as if most of the Circccash 'community' is gone. Of course, Circcash is still being mined, but people are not talking about Circcash very much (those who were barely had anything good to say about anything). This is a real shame since my research into Circcash's mining algorithm has produced machine learning algorithms including word embeddings, graph/hypergraph embeddings, and dimensionality reductions. This shows that the cryptocurrency community is not really interested in research or innovation, but they are instead either interested in scamming people or are extremely gullible and ready to fall into a scam (thanks FTX). In any case, since machine learning pays a lot more than Circcash (because people are too anti-intellectual to attempt to understand what we are trying to do), and since I am currently interested in machine learning , I will focus my efforts on machine learning.

I am closing this thread because I currently want Circcash to be more positive and welcoming. I only wish that others would be the same way.