
Translation: Spanish

jwasham opened this issue · 16 comments

This is a thread for coordinating work on the Spanish translation.

Hey guys I'd like to help out with the Spanish translation, how can I get started?

Hi @dapp1990 ! I have added some issues with chunks that need translation, so we all know what we are up to https://github.com/dossorio/google-interview-university/issues
Create a pr against this repo, we will finally merge #78 when we are done

Cheers @dapp1990 !

Got it!

Thanks @dossorio

@jwasham the first thing I noted is that "Ciencia de computadores" is wrong. The correct translation for spanish language is "Ciencias de la Computación".

@kebab901 please feel free to update translation and create a PR.

Hi @kebab901 ! Thank you very much for your suggestion ! That has been corrected, and will be available once this pr is merged https://github.com/jwasham/google-interview-university/pull/78/files#diff-05fe7da931ae7532c54b81f08d97421eR7

Would you like to give us a hand ? Pick an issue from here and start translating !! :)

Just so everyone translating is on the same page, what verb conjugations should we use,
formal (usted) or informal (tú/vos)?

Hi @alangarciar !

I guess the more informal way is fine, from dev to dev :)

My original language is spanish , so i would like to work on this translation, what do i have to do?

Hi @llealgt !!

Find some instructions here

Let me know if you need any help.

Thanks !! 👍

Ooh, this is a nice proposal. I hope help in the next weeks.


I want to help on this... I hope we can translate this to neutral spanish, just for being kind of Universal.


I want to help on this... I hope we can translate this to neutral spanish, just for being kind of Universal.

Find some instructions here

Cheers !

How can I help? I'm interested :)

We can close this now, yes?

@jwasham Yes! feel free to close it ! :)