
Translations: Arabic

BeFreeB opened this issue ยท 18 comments

Translations: Arabic

@Buthaina2018 What we can do now to translation

i can help with translation to arabic

Is there any guidelines or something else should be considered or shall we fork and start translating ?

Nothing from me. Just fork and make a README-ar.md in the translations directory.
You can create a pull request you can all commit to together.
Just let me know when you want me to pull it.

I will contribute with you.

I will start contributing the Arabic language.

translated table of content in Arabic and other words #164

I will contribute with you.

i will help in translation

I would be more than happy to help.

I can help

I can help too, i'll start doing soon

Hello, I am Tunisian and i want to translate to Arabic is it possible ?

Happy to contribute too!

Happy to contribute too!

A9B9 commented

Well There are a lot of people who volunteered to translate the README to Arabic, yet I don't see The Arabic version

@A9B9 There was a translation that was done but is incomplete and out of date:

Feel free to open a new pull request!

A9B9 commented

@A9B9 There was a translation that was done but is incomplete and out of date: https://github.com/jwasham/coding-interview-university/blob/main/translations/README-ar.md

Feel free to open a new pull request!

Sure will do