Invalid build configuration. Attempt to create a global synthetic for 'Record desugaring' without a global-synthetics consumer.
mac0ten opened this issue · 4 comments
Unable to use it in Android Studio (Java) Backend.
I imported this released jar in android studio dependencies it doesn't have any errors in importing, but the errors is in building the project it got error about : Invalid build configuration. Attempt to create a global synthetic for 'Record desugaring' without a global-synthetics consumer.
I have tried these steps added (but still failed to use your jar):
defaultConfig {
multiDexEnabled true
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
coreLibraryDesugaringEnabled true
Hi, I have never been using Android studio, so unfortunatelly I can't help much
change version of Java from 1.8 you are current using to 16 since tiktok Java was made with Java 16
change version of Java from 1.8 you are current using to 16 since tiktok Java was made with Java 16
I tried this solution and it actually removed the errors, Thanks you so much.
change version of Java from 1.8 you are current using to 16 since tiktok Java was made with Java 16