
Scripts for the Server

Baadsy opened this issue · 2 comments

Howdy, I created with a friend an Assault Server. But now what I need are some scripts for the server like ,,Disable Force like Choke, Push and co". Is there a website for some SWBF2 scripts or must I create myself a script.

The "!applymods" command can be used to "mod .lvl files live". The command is controlled using ./cfg/mods.xml . As recent releases required custom data files you have to update your local mods.xml file to the latest revision first:


When applying the mods, the server has to use the textureless _LVL_PC data that came with the original dedicated server package. (Simply copy the contents of _LVL_PC from the old server package to ./server/_LVL_PC ...) (Using textureless data files is generally a good idea for hosting servers.)

Ingame commands can then be used to apply pre-defined mods. These include (among others) a no force mod. Use !applymods enable no_force to disable force powers. Force can later be re-enabled using !applymods disable no_force. The map has to be reloaded (for example using !endgame) after using !applymods.

Thx for the help :)