
Introduce a separator in availableLetters

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I was wondering why availableLetters has no separator...

Of cause in the normal, simple use-case a glossary represents a list of entries sorted a divided by the first letter of its titles. But extended requirements are also conceivable: e.g. rare letters could be grouped. Or there are rather fewer entries so that generally only groups of initials are required. Or - as in my case - it would be grouping by year, i.e. the symbols of my alphabet are four-digit character strings.

What's the reason for not using a separator but splitting by '' (


If it really is too rare an edge case, you could perhaps hook into getAvailableLetters() per event...


I'm sure there was a separator in my first version, but I had a problem to check for the numbers in front of the string. How to replace such arrays to 0-9:

  • 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
  • 0,1,2,6,8,9
  • 4,5,6
  • 1,8,9

Of cause, I had found some solutions, but they are extremely long. I hate long methods. That's why I had decided to use '' which results in a 3 lines of code solution. Perfect.

Now, 5 years later I think a simple foreach with is_number and a break on letter would be enough to solve that problem ;-)

Please give me a little bit of time to find a cool new solution


Moin @julianhofmann

I have just added a new MergeRequest. Can you please check, if that would match your needs?


Hello @julianhofmann

I have pushed my changes just yesterday with version 5.0.6.
