
It seems the Docker image doesn't contain CppUTest, was this intentional?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

There is a good chance I misunderstood the reason for the docker image as I am not too familiar with it..... My initial thoughts was that it contains cpputest and all that is needed to run the tests. However the container doesn't have it.

I ask because I'm developing on Windows and installing CppUTest on Windows has proven difficult and I thought this would be a quick way to have CppUTest on my dev machine!

Thanks James and everyone else for making these great tools, they are really such a time saver.

Ah, it seems that cpputest actually exists in /home but the run.sh script mounts HOST_WORKDIR to /home which overwrites cpputest.

By changing a line in run.sh to --volume "${HOST_WORKDIR}":"${WORKDIR}/src" \ the docker container now has CppUTest.

Will leave opened to hear author feedback