
Example of using cmocka c test framework, and TDD

Primary LanguageC


Example of using cmocka c test framework, and TDD

First install ccmocka from cmocka.org You also need cmake and gcc

At the time of this writing, here is what I did

  • Download the tarball
  • Expand it into <some_dir>
  • mkdir <some_dir>/build
  • cd <some_dir>/build cmake .. make make install

If you use eclipse, you may want to notice where it puts the .h files so you can tell eclipse.


Test-drive a flash memory driver using cmocka. The spec for flash_program is the flowchart found in flash-program-flow-chart.pdf. Look at io_mock.c to see how to unit test a driver that interacts with hardware through io_read() and io_wite().


Thanks to STMicroelectronics for letting me use their device and specifications in my book: Test-Driven Development for Embedded C.