
Explanation of authoritative server

HarvsG opened this issue · 2 comments

This tool looks amazing, I am looking forward to using it to enable a kick-ass road-warrior set-up that enable me to have access to multiple sites with the click of a button. All with greater reliability and performance than my current hub and spokes model.

I just had a question from the readme that I'm not sure about.

In the readme, you say

ZONE is the zone name wgsd should be authoritative for, e.g. example.com.

In terms of set-up what does this actually entail? Do I have to ensure that the registry is an authoritative name server? Ensure that example.com is not registered elsewhere?

Looking at the code, it looks as if ZONE could be anything, even a domain I don't own as long as it was configured the same in corefile and wg-client? Or will coredns forward the query if it knows about a true authoritative server for the address?

fail fail fail fail,How to set coredns?????

After using wgsd client in window, I can't connect to two Nats. Here are the output information and configuration information

Dig in server

$dig @ -p 53 _ wireguard._ udp.example.com . PTR +noall +answer +additional

; <<>> DiG 9.11.4-P2-RedHat-9.11.4-26.P2.el7_ 9.4 <<>> @ -p 53 _ wireguard._ udp.example.com . PTR +noall +answer +additional ; (1 server found) ;; global options: +cmd

registry "wg show" output

`[root@cvm14394 ~]# wg
interface: wg1
public key: dp5UhIpRw6JBDbFoVeI7gCLpaUTT332WRMsfPVCEYVI=
private key: (hidden)
listening port: 51820

peer: 6TIxBFP8A4oOJovaZJwYJmgpV1UiNm1WsYy2rN7lDx4=
endpoint: xxx.xxx.xx.xx:22519
allowed ips:
latest handshake: 52 seconds ago
transfer: 3.89 KiB received, 1.08 KiB sent

peer: 0uQXq733ROaitW0/KDdrGUlK046OawBSp1u4VQKyNWg=
endpoint: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:22523
allowed ips:
latest handshake: 1 minute, 6 seconds ago
transfer: 3.89 KiB received, 1.08 KiB sent
DNS settings

.:53 { wgsd _ wireguard._ udp.example.com . wg1 { self } }
window output
`C:\Program Files\WireGuard>wgsd-client -device test -dns -zone example.com.

2021 / 04 / 07 14:31:44 [dp5uhiprw6jbdbfovei7gclpautt332wrmsfvvceyvi]) no SRV records found

2021 / 04 / 07 14:31:44 [0uqxq733roaitw0 / kddrgulk046owbsp1u4vqkynwg]) no SRV records found`

@119977 I am confused as to why you have commented on this issue with a different issue?