
libnotify alerts always disappears after 5 secs

emacsomancer opened this issue · 10 comments

No matter how I configure alert-fade-time, notifications always seem to disappear after 5 secs. I'm using libnotify on Linux.

E.g. I've set:

(setq alert-fade-time 3600)

But still the alerts disappear.

If I manually call notify-send from the commandline, I can pass through time specification without issue, e.g.:

notify-send -t 60000 "hello world" "goodbye world"

Works as expected.

Interesting; it sounds like we should be passing along the fade time to notify-send.

Yes, that sounds like it would work.

@emacsomancer Would you be interested in crafting a patch, after signing a copyright assignment with the Emacs project? I'm working now to include alert.el into Emacs itself, and need those assignments to do so.

@jwiegley I think it should be a fairly trivial patch; though my (e)lisp skills aren't great, but I've been wanting to improve those skills so this might be a good opportunity. Yes, I'm happy to sign the copyright assignment form.

Isn't this just in alert-libnotify-notify?

        "--app-name" "Emacs"
                    "--hint" "int:transient:1"

                   ;; HACK: Extra expire time
                    "--expire-time" (let ((fade-time (if (numberp alert-fade-time)
                                                       (car (get 'alert-fade-time 'standard-value))
                                      (number-to-string (* 1000 fade-time)))

I was running into this same issue and came across an old open issue here. Was wondering if there is an update..

It's a trivial fix. I have a pull request open (see #31 ), but because alert is/was/has been (?) integrated as a core emacs package, I needed to assign copyright to the FSF, which I did, but they also wanted a letter from my employer which I was unable to get (despite spending many hours of writing explanations and responding to objections).

As I said, the actual fix is trivial - you can look at the pull request to see how trivial it is. (I'm happy for someone else to implement a fix - I hope to resolve the copyright assignment issue eventually, but who knows how long that may take).

@jwiegley I would like to have this fixed upstream as well.

Anything I can do to get the PR by @emacsomancer merged? I could rewrite it. I have assigned copyright to the FSF in 2006 or so for Emacs Org-Mode. :-)

Can you rewrite it without reading it?

I fixed it on my local copy before I looked for an existent issue. So I wrote it without reading any other code.