
alert broken using growl on Windows

codygman opened this issue · 0 comments


The core of the problem seems to be that this code:

(eq (plist-get '(:message "test" :title "test" :severity (quote urgent)) :severity)  (quote urgent))

returns nil when I'd expect it (and apparently others) to return t.

first I'd like to note that I lost quite a bit of time due to the error for not finding an executable being silent

my problem is that alerts using growl for windows are not working for me

this works

  (apply #'call-process "c:/Program Files (x86)/Growl for Windows/growlnotify.exe" nil nil nil (list "test"))

substituting the path with executable-find still works

  (apply #'call-process (executable-find "growlnotify") nil nil nil (list "test"))

this doesn't work

  (require 'alert)
  (alert-growl-notify '(:message "test message" :title "test title" :severity 'urgent))
just returns message text and no growl notification pops up

I traced this down to a problem an assq call

here are resultes from the message buffer

Result: "c:/Program Files (x86)/Growl for Windows/growlnotify.exe"
 [5 times]
Result: (:message "test message" :title "test title" :severity 'urgent)

Result: "test title"

Result: "test title"
 [3 times]
Result: (:message "test message" :title "test title" :severity 'urgent)

Result: "test message"

Result: "test message"
 [5 times]
Result: (:message "test message" :title "test title" :severity 'urgent)

Result: 'urgent

Result: ((urgent . 2) (high . 2) (moderate . 1) (normal . 0) (low . -1) (trivial . -2))

Result: nil

Result: nil

Wrong type argument: numberp, nil

I tried to replicate the assq call

assq on alert-growl-priorities

  (assq 'urgent alert-growl-priorities)
(urgent . 2)

cdr on that result

  (cdr '(urgent . 2))

but when I run the function or execute code within the debugging context assq fails

any ideas why?


  (apply #'call-process (executable-find "growlnotify") nil nil nil (list "test"))