NGramMatcher is a module that can be used to extract n-grams, tokens, or keywords from a list of tokens.
$ pip install ngrammatcher
from ngrammatcher import NGramMatcher
# init NgramMatcher object
ngm = NGramMatcher()
# add ngrams and their corresponding data
ngm.insert_ngram(['programming','language'], 'programming language')
ngm.insert_ngram(['Python'], 'Python')
# match ngrams
ngm.match_ngrams(['Python', 'is', 'a', 'programming', 'language'])
# ['Python', 'programming language']
Adding n-grams
from ngrammatcher import NGramMatcher
ngm = NGramMatcher()
# You can add n-grams of any size
ngm.insert_ngram(['programming','language'], 'programming language') # 2-gram
ngm.insert_ngram(['Python'], 'Python') # 1-gram
ngm.insert_ngram(['a']*10000, 'a'*10000) # 10_000-gram
# you can map any kind of data to an n-gram
data = {
'word': 'programming language',
'wikipedia': ''
'desc': 'A programming language is any set of rules that converts...'
ngm.insert_ngram(['programming', 'language'], data)
# you can also insert n-grams using dictionary sytax
ngm[['c','plus','plus']] = 'c++'
# or add words
ngm.insert_ngram(list('test'), 'test')
Finding n-grams
from ngrammatcher import NGramMatcher
ngm = NGramMatcher()
ngm.insert_ngram(['programming','language'], 'programming language')
ngm.insert_ngram(['Python'], 'Python')
# here we will use spacy to create tokens
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_lg')
text = 'Python is a programming language'
tokens = [tok.text for tok in nlp(text)]
# find n-grams
# ['Python', 'programming language']
Additional Functionality
from ngrammatcher import NGramMatcher
ngm = NGramMatcher()
ngm.insert_ngram(['programming','language'], 'programming language')
ngm.insert_ngram(['Python'], 'Python')
# get all n-grams in the trie
# [(['Python'], 'Python'), (['programming', 'language'], 'programming language')]
# you can exclude the data object too
# [['Python'], ['programming', 'language']]
# delete n-grams (returns True if deleted, False otherwise)
# True
# Additional Quality-of-Life functionality
len(ngm) # get the number of n-grams in trie
['programming', 'language'] in ngm # check if n-gram is in trie
ngm[['programming', 'language']] = 'PL' # insert an n-gram into the trie
ngm[['programming', 'language']] # get the data for a specific n-gram
del ngm[['programming', 'language']] # delete an ngram using del
$ git clone
$ cd ngrammatcher
$ pip install pytest
$ python test