
Jump in prime counting

srdeaton opened this issue · 7 comments

Was working with your implementation, doing some detailed calculations. Thought had bug in my code, but tracked it to the prime counting function; specifically to region [110^9,1.110^9]. The start is hard to find, has somewhat gradual increase, but the end is not, a sharper fall. The end jump is in [1.07210^9,1.07410^9] with an error of about 12,400.
Attached some code showing this, and a plot of my function's output which alerted me. For the paper I'm working on, plan to show output for entire computable range; I can skip over this region, but would look strange in plots w/o explanation. Have not decide how to proceed; skip & explain or show & explain. Either way, it's still a good implementation. Don't think there a too many such regions, < 10^16, especially that far off. At least from what I could tell so far.
If you can fix it within the next month, at most, then I can redo calculations in my paper before submission.

Note: In the plot above, it not the prime count function, but another I was working on that altered me to the issue. The following is a plot of the prime counting function itself, for the end of the region shown above.

Hi @srdeaton,

Thanks for reporting this. Could you provide your sessionInfo() (Just type sessionInfo() in the console)?

Thanks again,



This was fixed in version 2.3.0. N.B. the current version is 2.4.1. You might want to update R as well. The current version is 4.0.0 (Arbor Day).

The Nitty Gritty

Your problem is that you are using a very old version (almost 2 years old). I recall running into the very same problem while I was doing a major overhaul to primeCount and primeSieve. The code change was pretty drastic from version 2.2.0 to 2.3.0. I scoured the commits to see if there were any notes like "Fixed prime count issue around a billion", but was unsuccessful. I should have opened up an issue when I found it (that's on me). Since then, I've tried to be better about documenting bugs fixes and documentation in general.

I will update the NEWS to reflect this correction as of version 2.3.0.

I can confirm your results. Below is an example using version 2.2.0:

packageurl <- "http://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive/RcppAlgos/RcppAlgos_2.2.0.tar.gz"
install.packages(packageurl, repos=NULL, type="source")

M1 <- 0.9 * 10^9
M2 <- 1.1 * 10^9
n <- round(seq(from=M1,to=M2,by=100000))
# [1] 2001

algos2 2 0

Here is an example using version 2.3.0 (I first restarted my R session):

packageurl <- "http://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive/RcppAlgos/RcppAlgos_2.3.0.tar.gz"
install.packages(packageurl, repos=NULL, type="source")

M1 <- 1.073*10^9
M2 <- 1.0735*10^9
n <- round(seq(from=M1,to=M2,by=200))
# [1] 2500

algos2 3 0

Validate Using Kim Walisch's primecount library

First, we generate some random data:

a <- sample(M1:M2, 10000)
write.csv(sort(a), file = "testWithWalisch.csv", row.names = F)

Then, on the command line, we run the Kim Walisch primecount on all of the values generated above:

touch primecount_walisch_output.txt
while IFS=, read -r col1; do primecount-4/primecount "$col1" >> primecount_walisch_output.txt; done < RcppAlgos/testWithWalisch.csv

Finally, we read the results into R and validate RcppAlgos::primeCount on the same input:

fromWalisch <- read.table("../primecount_walisch_output.txt")
# [1] 10000     1
#         V1
# 1 54364435
# 2 54364436
# 3 54364441
# 4 54364444
# 5 54364445
# 6 54364447
canon <- fromWalisch$V1
# [1] 54364435 54364436 54364441 54364444 54364445 54364447
algosImpl <- sapply(sort(a), primeCount)
# [1] 54364435 54364436 54364441 54364444 54364445 54364447

identical(canon, algosImpl)
# [1] TRUE


The shout-out is much appreciated, however I would be remiss if I did not mention @kimwalisch. Quite simply, the prime number capabilities in RcppAlgos would not be possible without his excellent work.

Also, to address your question: "Is there a version of the prime count function for
vector inputs, containing increasing integers, such that the function will
not restart its count for each integer?"

First off, that is a great question. I wondered that myself, and sadly to my knowledge, I don't think it is possible to use Legendre's method (the method used in RcppAlgos::primeCount) to count primes between two bounds.

I think your best bet is to call primeCount first then use primeSieve in chunks. That sounds like what you are already doing.

Anywho, I hope that helps.

Best of luck,