
System.Text.Json should only be a dependency for .NET standard

thompson-tomo opened this issue · 3 comments

Describe the problem you are trying to solve.
I do not want STJ listed as a dependency for net 6

Available workarounds
Accept un-necessary dependency

Additional context

Can you describe the issue more? What's wrong with a dependency to a standard library such as STJ?
Originally and till today, the library depends on NS.J. It was a community's request to add STJ. So now we have 2.
Neither is a part of the .NET Standard, which is dead anyway, the recommendation by the .NET team to target the full framework directly, this is what the library does nowadays.

I'd you feel super strong about this, please consider implementing #76.

@abatishchev we don't need to go too those lengths, simply adjusting the conditions on the package is sufficent as proposed in #497