
Reflection operation problems: OptionalMethodInvoker cannot access KeyUtil(in module java.base) in java17 environment

win-ho opened this issue · 4 comments

I just got a error message from my program as below:
"Reflection operation failed. This is likely due to an internal implementation programming error. Please report this to the JJWT development team. Cause: class io.jsonwebtoken.impl.lang.OptionalMethodInvoker cannot access class sun.security.util.KeyUtil (in module java.base) because module java.base does not export sun.security.util to unnamed module @4812a2ca".
My dev environment: java17 + springboot3 + jjwt 0.12.0.

We are looking into fixing this in the next release, for now you can the following to work around the issue:


Just a note: so we don't have 'me too' issues and comments, I'll be closing this in favor of #849 since this is a duplicate of the same underlying issue.

@win-ho this issue has been resolved and released in 0.12.1. Please allow 30 minutes from the time of this post for the release to be in Maven Central. Thank you for reporting the issue!

Just a note: the reflection code using KeyUtil has been removed in the 0.12.2 release in favor of a JJWT-native implementation to avoid JPMS scope issues entirely. You shouldn't need --add-opens now (at least not for JJWT)