
Support BouncyCastleFipsProvider

onyas opened this issue · 4 comments

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in our project, we need BouncyCastleFipsProvider which is in the lib implementation 'org.bouncycastle:bc-fips', but it look like jjwt currently does not support this lib, because in the class RuntimeEnvironment, it has the fixed class nameprivate static final String BC_PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME = "org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider";

Describe the solution you'd like

please provide a way to support customized providers, or jjwt already supports this but I don't know.

JJWT doesn't currently instantiate BouncyCastleFipsProvider, but you can always specify it via the .provider method on the JwtBuilder and JwtParserBuilder. Have you tried that in the meantime?

Also, starting with 0.12.0, RuntimeEnvironment is no longer used anywhere in JJWT's codebase - it was deprecated. The Providers class in the impl module replaced it.

We'll try to see if we can fallback dynamically instantiating BouncyCastleFipsProvider if BouncyCastleProvider isn't in the classpath. Does that sound like a viable solution? Would it ever be realistic that both would be in the classpath?

Thank you for the suggestion. It works.