
Not working on IE

Opened this issue · 4 comments

IE supports SVG so I wonder why these do not work

IE sucks! as always
you can use polyfill http://leunen.me/fakesmile/index.html

@jxnblk it will be nice to include this polyfill by default

this won't help in most cases, only if the SVG is on the HTML itself...and i'm not sure if it will even work if you inject the SVG to the DOM after the script had already been called...well for now I would say using these loaders is only good for apps/websites that don't need to work on IE else you must have some kind of fallback, which isn't easy in some cases. CSS loaders are better supported.

@yairEO i am using this loader in my project and i have SVG inside html and fakesmile script loaded and it works fine

@thecotne - of course it works fine, why wouldn't it? you just repeated exactly what I was saying.