
assignment statement of y_tts_pred & y_vc_pred

inconnu11 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, when I have prepared everything to pre train,it raised an error saying"local variable 'y_tts' referenced before assignment ". So I add a statement before the loop 'for'. I set y_tts and y_tts_pred list type. But another error came " ValueError: not enough values to unpack(expected 12, got 0)". It referred to "y_pred".
I think maybe there is a need to add an initialization statement of y_tts, y_vc and y_tts_pred, y_vc, y_tts_pred. Besides, is only one of y_tts_pred or y_vc_pred assigned at a time? It means the left is set None?

Hi, I suppose you don't prepare the validation data right, so the for loop never be runned. (you program actually don't go for validation). Please check again you validation data.

I retried running several days after my first try. And it works now. Magical and weird. Anyway, thanks for your reply!