Rock Paper Scissors Game


python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

uvicorn app.main:app --host --port 8080


I used uvicorn + FastAPI for the backend, and simple JS + HTML + Bulma CSS for the frontend.


I was able to get the backend mostly done and added the initial page for the frontend. A game is able to be created, saved, and loaded. A basic game page exists, but just notifies the player of who is playing. If the player 2 field is left blank, a player named CPUPlayer is created.

Further Improvements

If given more time, I would have liked to explore creating the full game UI and revise my design as needed. The main game would have been played on the frontend, with just the score being tracked on the backend. This is the design I went with, so no game logic actually exists.

I thought it would have been cool to use websockets and allow a player to use a game code from a separate window or computer on the same network to make a simple online multiplayer version. This would be more fun since the second player wouldn't be able to see the other's screen.

The saving mechanism could be improved with an actual SQL/Mongo or equivalent server. Pickle is generally unsafe because it can cause remote code execution vulnerabilities, but it was used to save time.

It was my first time using FastAPI, so there are likely multiple style and usability improvements that could be utilized with more time.

Better UI outline and arrangement could also be done, but is limited by my design skills. I would probably enlist a designer to help with that.

I could have added a one time public/private keypair for signing and validating the post requests so that you can't just increase your own score by using fabricated post requests.