DW Utilities (JS)

A collection of utility functions to facilitate an efficient workflow with the Darkwave web application toolkit.


These functions are included with Darkwave, but they can be installed and used as standalone functions in any project.

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/dw-utilities@0.7.2/dist/dw.min.js"></script>

Available Methods


Makes an XHR request and handles the result with a custom callback. Use the configuration object to define the url, title, and callback.

  url: '/auth/login/process',
  data: {
    email: document.querySelector('[name="email"]').value,
    password: document.querySelector('[name="password"]').value,
  callback: function (r) {
    if (r.success) {
      if (document.querySelector('[name="redirect"]').value){
        window.location.href = document.querySelector('[name="redirect"]').value;
        if (window.location.pathname.includes('/login')) {
          window.location.href = '/';
        } else {
    } else {
      if (r.error) {
        dw.display_error(r.error.type, r.error.message);


Similar to the jQuery.serialize() method, encodes all the names and values (including any radios and checkboxes) from a given form into a query string. Frequently used with dw.api_request:

  url: '/example/url/endpoint',
  data: {
    form: dw.serialize(document.querySelector('.edit-form'))
  callback: function (r) {
    window.location.href = '/';


Checks that all required form fields have values and that no inputs are invalid, halting action and showing errors if applicable. Used by default in in the dw.edit_form() save() submethod:

dw.form_validate(function () {
    url: cfg.url,
    data: cfg.data,
    callback: callback


Encodes a JSON object as a query string.

  id: 6713908723,
  name: 'Brad Jones',
  email: 'bjones333@hotmail.com'

dw.cookie_set(name, value, days = 365)

Sets a cookie given a name, value, and optional expiration length (in days, default one year).

dw.cookie_set('flavor', 'oatmeal');


Retrieves a cookie with a given name.



Deletes a cookie with a given name.



Parses a urlencoded key/val string (the kind that could be saved in a cookie) and returns the data as a JSON object.



Parses a JSON web token and returns the data as a JSON object.



Writes the required markup for presenting a Bootstrap modal, accepting various parameters for configuration.

  title: 'This is a Modal',
  content: `Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Adipisci animi beatae delectus deleniti dolorem eveniet facere fuga iste nemo nesciunt nihil odio perspiciatis, quia quis reprehenderit sit tempora totam unde.<br /><br />✌️😎`,
  // modal_id: 'custom_modal_id',
  // fade: true,
  // blur: true,
  // centered: true,
  // scrollable: true,
  // hide_x: true,
  // form: true,
  // format: 'small',
  // format: 'large',
  // format: 'full-width',
  // theme: 'success',
  // theme: 'danger',
  // modal_title_extra: 'text-center w-100 py-5 fs-1',
  // modal_body_extra: 'text-center py-5 fs-1',
  // modal_footer_extra: 'text-center py-5 fs-1',
  // modal_header_extra: 'text-center py-5 fs-1',
  // modal_content_extra: 'text-center py-5 fs-1',
  // modal_dialog_extra: 'text-center py-5 fs-1',
  buttons: [
      label: 'Cancel',
      close_modal: true,
      class_extra: 'me-auto',
      callback: function(id){
      label: 'Google me',
      color: 'secondary',
      // class_extra: 'me-auto',
      callback: function(id){
        window.open('https://www.google.com/search?q=bladee', '_blank');
      label: 'OK',
      color: 'primary',
      close_modal: true,
      // class_extra: 'w-50 mx-auto',
      callback: function(id){
        alert('called after yes');
        console.log(`modal: id: ${id}`);


Removes the markup for a given modal.



Validates a given input for uniqueness or required value. The unique validation parameter defines a call to an API route that can check a given collection and field. This method is intended to be called on input blur. Here's an example using an Apline.js x-on:blur event:

<div class="mb-4 form-group" data-validate="email">
  <label class="form-label">Email</label>
  <input type="email" name="email" x-on:blur="dw.validate_input({
    input: 'email',
    element: $event.target,
    required: true,
    unique: {
      collection: 'users',
      field: 'email',
      error_message: 'This email is already registered',
      exempt_id: '{{locals.user_id}}'
  })" />
  <div class="invalid-feedback"></div>

Additional parameters can be included: is_email checks for x@x.x format, error_message defines a custom error message, force_focus will refocus this input on blur, and regex defines a custom regex to compare with the field input:

<div class="mb-4 form-group" data-validate="name">
  <label class="form-label">Name</label>
  <input type="text" name="name" x-on:blur="dw.validate_input({
    input: 'name',
    element: $event.target,
    is_email: true,
    error_message: 'Must be an email address',
    force_focus: true,
    regex: /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/,
  })" />
  <div class="invalid-feedback"></div>


Removes an error state and message from a specific form field using a data-validate-X attribute as a handle.


dw.display_error(data_name, error_message)

Sets an error state and message from a specific form field using a data-validate-X attribute as a handle.

dw.display_error('email', 'Error: Unregistered email address');


This is used as an Alpine.js x-data object on all "edit" style form fields. It provides submethods for save(), delete_confirm(), and delete_execute(), and is intended for declarative use on HTML elements:

<div x-data="dw.edit_form()">

  <form class="edit-form" action="javascript:void(0);">

  <span data-container="save">
    <button class="btn btn-primary" @click="save({
      'url': '/users/save/',
      'data': {
        '_id': '{{_id}}',
        'form': dw.serialize(document.querySelector('.edit-form'))
      'callback': function(r){
        window.location.href = '/users/';

  <span data-container="delete" class="ms-auto">
    <button class="btn btn-outline-danger" @click="delete_confirm({
      'url': '/users/delete/',
      'data': {
        '_id': '{{_id}}',
      'redirect': '/users/',
      'message': 'Are you sure you want to delete this user?'


dw.upload_initialize(id, cfg = {})

Initializes a Dropzone uploader with a given id and optional configuration parameters.

  append_form: '#form-id',
  preview_class_extra: '...',
  preview_html: '...',
  dz_options: {
    acceptedFiles: 'image/jpeg,image/png,image/gif',
    maxFilesize: 10,
    url: '/dw/utility/upload-file',
    clickable: `[data-dz-upload="${id}"] .dropzone`,
    previewTemplate: '...'

dw.upload_delete(id, cfg = {})

Deletes a given upload with optional configuration parameters.

dw.upload_delete('avatar', {
  append_form: '#form-id',
  confirm: true, 
  reset: true,
  message: 'Replace current avatar?'