
Question about training on combined datasets

MHoef opened this issue · 0 comments

MHoef commented

Hi everyone,
i want to train on several datasets, lets say Kitti2012&Kitti2015 or Kitti2012&Middlebury.

The first idea was to combine the datasets in data.kitti/unzip/training/... and data.kitti2015/unzip/training/.... But i´m not quite sure if this is right due to different binary files like metadata.bin or dispnoc.bin.

Then i saw the option "-at" in the main.lua with an if-case opt.at == 1 then..., where the tensors of kitti2012&2015 will be concatenated.

So the questions are:

  • Is the network trained on kitti12/15, when i simply add the "-at 1" option in the command?
  • and is this also possible for the Middlebury dataset?
    Many thanks in advance!
