
when changed the trained network,it occured

ustbwangkai opened this issue · 2 comments

hi,its a amazing work thank you ,and I just run your trained network,but I got a problem,as the image: ![2018-01-10 18-49-49](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/29095675/34769022-870dbee0-f637-11e7-9c6f-9f2152d94749.png), when I used the trained kitti 2012 fast,it worked well.but when I changed it to kitti 2015 slow,it gives the problem: cudnnFindConvolutionForwardAlgorithm failed: 2 convDesc=[mode : CUDNN_CROSS_CORRELATION datatype : CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT] hash=-dimA2,112,375,1242 -filtA112,112,3,3 2,112,375,1242 -padA1,1 -convStrideA1,1 CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT I dont know how to make it,beg your answer.

anyone can help me??? beg your answer.

i know why...