
Missing parameter labels/names

Closed this issue · 2 comments

lemmy commented

Even though the parameter names are included in the json input, the bar charts only show the parameter values but omit the label (name) (e.g. see http://jmh.morethan.io/?gist=https://gist.githubusercontent.com/lemmy/30cc904814b563d9df33b7aa8640ad07/raw/bf4cd9b48b0bda91a07d7d59d754dd7d78d19464/Randomization-1530197117-39ace79bf.json which should include "numOfElements" and "size"). This makes it unnecessarily hard to decipher a chart.

Hey @lemmy , thanks for raising the issue. I've added a change to master which will be online with the next release.

You could preview the change with following offline version:
JMH Visualizer.htm.zip

Just attach your query parameters when loading it:


Now online..