
Support multi file gists

leonard84 opened this issue · 7 comments

It would be nice if the visualizer would support multi file gists, and treat them as if you've added separate gists.

For that you'd have to query the API to discover if a gist has multiple files https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/gists#get-a-gist and also to get the individual file links.

You have an example for that?

For a gist with multiple files, or for the api access?

To create a multi file gist, just create a normal gist, and then click on Add File on the bottom left.

@leonard84 It's in!

@jzillmann just checked it, and it works great, thanks.

@jzillmann @leonard84 Has this feature been removed or become broken? It doesn't seem to work. The example link in README.md only shows the result of one of the files in the gist.

@willhains Indeed... there was a bug. Thanks for reporting, it should work now!

Awesome, thanks!