
Finding and using reference frames

Opened this issue · 2 comments

As I understand, for moving around with WWT, I need to choose the respective reference frame of the target object or a self-created reference frame on the way towards that object, and to refer to the respective layers I need to choose them by name, e.g. via get_layer_list(). However, if I call get_layer_list(), I only get a few layers:

print my_wwt.get_layer_list().keys()
[u'2D Sky', u'Overlays', u'3d Solar System', u'ISS Model  (Toshiyuki Takahei)']

How should I refer to the un-listed layers (but listed in WWT GUI)? I see in the LCAPI reference that the "layerlist" command has a layersonly option, which is not exposed in pywwt. Is that how the the references could be found?

I'll try to have a look at these issues between today and tomorrow in more detail. Thanks!

Just so I understand--you have a frame and you have a layer associated with that frame, and you want to switch to it, but it's not showing up in the return from get_layer_list?

I want to try to reproduce this locally.