
GHC 7.4,7.6,7.10 build failures

bergmark opened this issue · 11 comments

The latest release doesn't build on GHC 7.10 (and dropped support for 7.4 and 7.6) , http://matrix.hackage.haskell.org/package/protocol-buffers#GHC-7.10/protocol-buffers-2.0.17

I just queued builds for hprotoc and -descriptor as well, may take a while before the builder gets to it.

k-bx commented

@bergmark thanks for reporting! I'm adding travis for different GHCs, will try to fix things up.

Also, I never worked with hackage build-matrix. Will check it out. So far I can't even see matrix for latest release (2.1.0).

It's currently building highlighting-kate against a new hashable so it's pretty clogged and it won't do a cabal update until that's done.

For the record only trustees can queue new builds, feel free to ping me about it.

The build (finally) ran for the latest version, on 7.10:

    Ambiguous occurrence ‘uncons’
    It could refer to either ‘Text.ProtocolBuffers.Identifiers.uncons’,
                             defined at Text/ProtocolBuffers/Identifiers.hs:103:3
                          or ‘Data.List.uncons’,
                             imported from ‘Data.List’ at Text/ProtocolBuffers/Identifiers.hs:33:1-16
                             (and originally defined in ‘GHC.List’)

And the other two packages failed because they have protocol-buffers as a dependency.

This is causing trouble for Stackage too.

Indeed! http://matrix.hackage.haskell.org/package/protocol-buffers#GHC-7.6/protocol-buffers-2.1.1 Thanks @k-bx.

Do you intend to support older GHCs as well or should we put a lower bound on base?

k-bx commented

@bergmark initially I thought only keeping ghc >= 7.8 support and wait for requests for older ones, then I considered your issue-report as a request for older GHCs and decided to take a look at older ones.

So, current plan: take a closer look at older GHCs when I'll get back home in Kyiv (in a week) and think on how hard would it be. Seems not very trivial from first look, but I'm sure it can be handled with some CPP.

Also, do you use/need older GHCs or did you just post an issue after looking at build-matrix?

Because of build-matrix + I mistakenly thought your release broke backwards compat but that happened earlier.

My goal is simply for the version bounds to reflect reality.

k-bx commented

@bergmark pushed base >= 4.7.0 requirement for now, but will keep this issue opened for a while.