
Can't find collection

Closed this issue · 6 comments

trying to download a collection but it says that it doesn't exist, how i can fix this?

What collection were you downloading? So long as you're passing it an existing collection name, it should return the appropriate results.


Replaced 'boredapeyachtclub' in the URL above with the collection name you're trying to download, if you receive a 404 error that is likely why it fails to download.

Your problem seems to be an issue with the OpenSea API and not this library.

https://api.opensea.io/assets?collection=boredapeyachtclub <-- this shows the results of that other collection, notice assets in this case is not an empty array.

https://api.opensea.io/assets?collection=monkeyyellow1 <-- returns null and an empty array for assets

Interestingly, I tried about a dozen different collection names and so far only the one you shared didn't work, the rest all returned results as expected.

I would maybe suggest trying their support team to see why this one collection does not yield any results from the API. Here is their discord server which may be your best bet -- https://discord.com/invite/opensea

Good luck!

I'm noticing this problem when using collections on the Polygon chain- I'm still early in bugtesting, but so far I can't seem to get this to work with anything listed as Polygon. Example: https://opensea.io/collection/sprkon-b-w-collections

Update: As far as I can tell, collections using the following chains do not work:
in fact, only the Etherium chain seems to work. Would love to crack this!

@jordanmaurice is still correct- In chatting with OpenSea, they confirmed the API does not handle these chains. There is a roadmap for the API to handle them in the future, but no indication of when that will be.