
rds_parameter_group parameter check fails with 'method_missing'

GenPage opened this issue · 3 comments

    rds_db_parameter_group 'tf-test-kitchen-postgres9' rds.logical_replication
    Failure/Error: its("rds.logical_replication") { should eq '1' }

       undefined method `members' for #<Hash:0x00005594f9828690>
       Did you mean?  member?
     # /home/plangrid/.gems/gems/awspec-1.22.1/lib/awspec/type/base.rb:45:in `method_missing'
     # /home/plangrid/.gems/gems/awspec-1.22.1/lib/awspec/type/rds_db_parameter_group.rb:17:in `method_missing'
     # ./spec/rds_param_group_spec.rb:14:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

I confirmed this bug. AWS made a terrible choice of parameter name, since for the respective Awspec::Type rds.logical_replication is a method invocation chained.

PR #548 fixes this, but only for parameters names that starts with rds..

@k1LoW , with the PR merged, I think it's fine to close this issue.

k1LoW commented
