
Make pull request comment better for monorepo

Closed this issue · 3 comments

We use the octocov in our monorepo which has multiple language directories, like this:

├── .octocov.go.yaml
├── .octocov.java.yaml
├── .octocov.python.yaml
├── go
├── java
└── python

We test, generate coverage file, and run octocov individually with the separated config files and GitHub actions workflows.

Sometimes we need to run those workflows at the same time (e.g. build whole repository), then comments on pull request look like this:


As you can see, there are 3 different reports, but it's hard to know which report is for which.
Also comments got hidden (minimized) except for the last one even they are different reports.

So it would be great if:

  • each report can have comment header (title), like
    • Code Metrics Report (go)
    • Code Metrics Report (java)
    • Code Metrics Report (python)
  • they will not hidden by other reports.

What do you think?

k1LoW commented

Thank you for the nice suggestion!

I'll try to implement it.

k1LoW commented

Released v0.40.0 fixing this problem.
It determines differences in reports in the repository: section of .octocov.yml.

Thank you for the quick work!

I tried the version v0.40.0 and confirmed it works perfectly 😄 👍
