
spanner: code = "InvalidArgument", desc = "invalid session pool"

h6ah4i opened this issue · 0 comments

h6ah4i commented

Hi. I noticed an issue with the Spanner database integration of runn.

The runn implementation creates database client object for each runbooks to make the database connections are not shared between runbooks. However, the go-sql-spanner driver reuses the same connection internally when the specified DSN is identical.

Actual behavior

An error occurs when trying to use the same Spanner database in multiple runbooks.

❯ SPANNER_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:9010 runn run  spanner_1.yml spanner_2.yml

1) spanner_2.yml 0e14c3d7ebcfe48aa13335c5d31fbd1681e0f4fb
  Failure/Error: db query failed on "Test using Spanner".steps[0]: spanner: code = "InvalidArgument", desc = "invalid session pool"
  Failure step (spanner_2.yml):
  5   - db:
  6       query: SELECT 1;

2 scenarios, 0 skipped, 1 failure


  1. Launch Spanner emulator
    docker run -p 9010:9010 -p 9020:9020 gcr.io/cloud-spanner-emulator/emulator
  2. Setup the database
    docker run -eSPANNER_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:9010 --network=host google/cloud-sdk:slim bash -c 'gcloud config configurations create emulator && gcloud config set auth/disable_credentials true && gcloud config set project test-project && gcloud config set api_endpoint_overrides/spanner http://localhost:9020/ && gcloud spanner instances create test-instance --config=emulator-config --description="Test Instance" --nodes=1 && gcloud spanner databases create test-database --instance=test-instance'
  3. runn run
    SPANNER_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:9010 runn run  spanner_1.yml spanner_2.yml


desc: Test using Spanner
  db: spanner://test-project/test-instance/test-database
  - db:
      query: SELECT 1;


desc: Test using Spanner
  db: spanner://test-project/test-instance/test-database
  - db:
      query: SELECT 1;