
Bootstrap failing with IPv6 only Cluster

margau opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm currently having the problem with an bootstrap chart failing due to not being able to contact the apiserver.
K3S is v1.27.9+k3s1 with cilium being the CNI. With v1.27.3+k3s1, it did work.
Setup is IPv6 only, therefore the API-Server LB being on ::1 Port 6444 according to https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s/blob/86f102134ed6b1669badd3bfb6420f73e8f015d0/pkg/agent/loadbalancer/loadbalancer.go#L64 (and my observations with netstat).
This leads to the helm controller not being able to connect to (connection reset), as there is no socket bound to the IPv4 port.

I did not manage to "force" the helm controller to use (without load balancer) which should work?
How to debug this further?

This is a duplicate of k3s-io/k3s#9499