
Make Celsius/Fahrenheit switchable

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Probably also display units on the screen

k4kfh commented

In the States (or at least in the southern US where I am at) we never display weather data in Celsius. Don't ask me why, we just don't. So for my use case, I at least need the default to be Fahrenheit, with a simple degree symbol.

In the future, once I get this back up and running again with a proper data source, I might include units as part of the "options" parameters I mentioned in the other thread, but for right now, this is sort of low on the priority list. If you want to implement something, I would suggest waiting a couple weeks, as I am going to try to overhaul the GUI a bit to handle different resolutions better (I've got one school that operates in 1080p and one that operates in 720p).

In the States (or at least in the southern US where I am at) we never display weather data in Celsius. Don't ask me why, we just don't. So for my use case, I at least need the default to be Fahrenheit, with a simple degree symbol.

So just the degree symbol and no F?

If you want to implement something, I would suggest waiting a couple weeks, as I am going to try to overhaul the GUI a bit to handle different resolutions better (I've got one school that operates in 1080p and one that operates in 720p).

I was only going to do it via the CSS after properties it's already being done by, which I assume shouldn't impact on your GUI overhaul much/at all?

k4kfh commented

Yes, just the degree symbol and no F. If you want to give it a shot, go for it, like I said my development cycle will be sort of slow since I am at Uni right now.

I guess we should add Kelvin too for completeness 😛