
containerd support

obiTrinobiIntel opened this issue · 5 comments

Multus service currently can be configured with docker and crio, is it possible to support containerd runtime ?

Any updates on this request?

Thank you for the report, @obiTrinobiIntel and @davecremins .

As far as I know of, multus-service should work with containerd because containerd supports cri. You may need to change deployment yaml to adopt the cri socket path, but it does not require any go code change.

Could you please try that and let me know the feedback for that? Thanks!

@davecremins It is 3month+ since you replied. Did you check that? If you don't mind it, I will close this issue.

@davecremins followup. Does it works? If you don't test it yet, I will test it and close this if it works.