
Official installation method

paurosello opened this issue · 3 comments


Currently, the installation method is kind of manual. We want to provide a curated way to deploy the Operator.


Build a Helm Chart to deploy K8Spin Operator.


Clone this repo, cd into it and:

# Create a local cluster
$ kind create cluster
# Deploy cert-manager
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/cert-manager/cert-manager.yaml
$ kubectl wait --for=condition=Available deployment --timeout=2m -n cert-manager --all
# Deploy K8Spin operator
$ kubectl apply -f ./deploy/crds/ -n default
$ kubectl apply -f ./deploy/roles/ -n default
$ kubectl apply -f ./deploy/ -n default
$ kubectl wait --for=condition=Available deployment --timeout=2m -n default --all


$ helm chart pull ghcr.op/k8spin/k8spin-operator:chart-v1.0.0
$ helm chart export ghcr.op/k8spin/k8spin-operator:chart-v1.0.0
$ helm upgrade --install k8spin-operator k8spin-operator

Expected output

Whit this feature we expect to have the chart available in dockerhub (where the k8spin-operator container image is currently available), and it has to be installable with few commands with some curated default values.yaml variables. Helm should follow helm best practices: https://helm.sh/docs/chart_best_practices/

Release pipeline should push the chart!

If you want to develop it during the Hacktoberfest, don't doubt to ping us!

Hey guys I can take this one if you still need help!!!

Hey guys I can take this one if you still need help!!!

Hi @cmendible!

Please, go for it! If you have any doubt, don't doubt to ping us in the #k8spin channel inside the official kubernetes slack group
